
Reasons to Consider a Venice Bike Share Program

A bike-share program is a shared transport service that lets you borrow a bike from a dock, ride the bike to where you want to go and return the bike to another dock that belongs to the same shared transport service. 

Over the past few years, municipalities across Venice have been abuzz with bike-share programs. So, what is the big deal? Why are bike-share programs gaining so much traction? Below, we provide reasons to consider a Venice bike share program. 

#1: Saves Public Health Dollars

A Venice bike share program helps save public health dollars. As found in a study by Colorado State University, bike share programs reduce $36 million in health economic impact annually, 737 disability-adjusted life years, and 4.7 premature deaths.

These results are attributed to the fact that cycling increases physical activity and leads to fewer traffic incidents than vehicles. 

#2: Fitness

Cycling is a great exercise for the body and mind. Various studies show that cycling can:

  • Promote Weight Loss,
  • Increase Cardiovascular Fitness, and
  • Keep the Effects of Anxiety and Depression at Bay. 

#3: Good for the Environment

A Venice bike share program is good for the environment because it allows individuals to travel without burning fuel or releasing toxins. As fewer toxins are emitted into the air, air quality improves, lessening the possibility of respiratory illnesses.  

#4: Convenient to Use

Bike share programs offer a convenient and easy-to-use system for cyclists. You do not have to worry about bike storage or bike maintenance. Moreover, you do not have to commit to investing in a bike.

If you are unsure whether you should invest in a bike, a bike-share program will let you test the waters before deciding whether or not you want to purchase a bike. 

#5: A Wider Embrace of Cycling

When a community has more cyclists using the roads, it makes changes to benefit the cycling population. For example, cycle lanes are built, and laws are enacted to protect cyclists. 

Additionally, when more cyclists are on the roads, pedestrians and motorists learn how to share the roads with cyclists. Pedestrians and motorists also learn to respect the rights of cyclists, making the streets safer for everyone.

Try Out the Venice Bike Share Program

A Venice bike share program offers physical, environmental, and health benefits. To enjoy these benefits, commit yourself to a bike-share program and become one of the many people helping make a positive impact on the city.

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